How to Screen Employees for Coronavirus

As states lift their stay-at-home orders and businesses begin reopening, a simple, inexpensive screening process can help protect employees, customers and your business from infection.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has a great article regarding why you would screen your employees for Covid-19:

As states lift their stay-at-home orders and non-essential businesses begin reopening, business owners will again have to carefully consider the safety of their employees, their customers and the business itself before reopening. For most businesses, the first step is screening employees before allowing them to return to the workplace.

“How to Screen Employees for Coronavirus” – U.S. Chamber of Commerce

The article notes:

  • How to conduct standardized employee screening for COVID-19
  • Questions to ask when employees return to work
  • Questions to ask employees weekly
  • Questions to ask employees
  • A template for a paper screening of employees they can perform voluntarily.

While this approach is useful, it can have its challenges to implement. For example, a paper screening tool can get lost, or the process of creating a record of the screening could be hard to do or easily forgotten. In some cases an HR representative may not get a copy of the screening results, which may make contact tracing more difficult. An online tool can be more effective and convenient in these cases.

For example, in the C-19 Registration system process, an HR manager would receive a copy of the screening, creating an easy way to do contact tracing. It also ensure full compliance with regulations and guidelines from Federal, State and Local authorities. There are other benefits as well such as:

  • Allowing for easy communication of new health and safety protocols that have been newly implemented in your organization to minimize the transmission of COVID-19 in the workplace in accordance to the latest CDC guidelines and OSHA regulations
  • Easily provide daily electronic COVID-19 screening for employees
  • Give HR teams a fully customizable dashboard for reporting purposes.
  • Allow users to access a screening tool from a phone or other mobile device.
  • Easily implement processes to screen employees before they come into work which may reduce the risk of an infected employee coming into work and infecting the other employees.

As the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has noted, screening your employees is a helpful step for re-opening and staying open. There are many tools that can be implemented for this process from paper to electronic. Choose the best tool to do your screening to allow employees to return to and stay in the workplace.


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